Six - Book 4
Three bullets are left in the chamber and the past sinks into the dark waters beneath the
Castle Ruffo.
Mateo DiAngelo and Lorenzo Calvano carefully weave the net of their plan, but
events overtake them. Death has not said his last word. The enemies hold in their hands
a piece of the DiAngelo family, grief and loss cut everyone deeply. Lorenzo
and Alessio learn Donatella's great secret, while Matteo's children face, each one of them
each alone and all together, their personal demons, tragedy hand in hand with joy.
As for Serena, a collateral enemy of her own is trying to deprive her of love,
sowing doubt, throwing her the crumbs of the great truth of her life, to force her to
to follow them.
Enemies change places on the chessboard and this night will be the longest they've ever lived.
"Non ducor, duco. I do not lead, I lead."